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Important Notice – Applications Deadline Postponement!

Inspired by hundreds of submissions we have received so far within our 4th Call for Proposal, in order to accommodate fair competition, WBF has decided to postpone the application deadline for Monday, 27 December, 23.59 (GMT+1).

This decision is taken with the goal of preventing any potential problem with OGMS due to the current rush of applications in the last few hours.

To all applicants who are in the process of developing the application, we hope this extension will encourage you to join the WBF 4th Call sooner rather than later and collaborate within our community before the new deadline.

This is the only postponement we will accommodate within this Call for Applications. The applications will be officially closed on 27 December (23.59 GMT+1), and no more extensions will be permitted.

WBF 4th call, “Support to the promotion of Civil Society regional actions in the Western Balkans,” is co-funded by the European Union, IPA – Instrument for Pre Accession Assistance.

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