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Our pain is your shame!

Our pain is your shame

Our grantees, Inicijativa mladih za ljudska prava – Crna Gora, with partnes YIHR Srbija and YIHR BiH joins in Sarajevo the protest of women against femicide.

The Western Balkans Fund supports and unites to the outcry and to the struggle for a just Western Balkans, free of any form of violence towards women and girls.

Moreover, in Sarajevo, last week took place also the Exchange Program “Across Borders”.

It was aheavy emotional program in which participants learned more about the sorrow of War and visited several places of suffering, including Sarajevo Roses, Markala and the Monument to the Killed Children..

“Across borders”, an intercultural dialogue for Reconciliation, is part of the 4 CfP, co-funded by the European Union, IPA – Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance.