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Skok na Glavu (Headjump). A movie supported by the Western Balkans Fund

A movie without age or borders barriers. Saja, a 70 years old man, believes that he can dive just like a teenager. Disappointed, frustrated, humiliated, he risks his life, but in daring to dream, he gives a powerful inspiring message to all.

Coming soon, “Skok na glavu” (Head Jump) is a short movie from the Nikola Romčević, a young movie director from Belgrade and producer Milica Milinković, from Pancevo (both born in 1999).

The script and idea of the movie were developed thanks to a grant provided by the Western Balkans Fund, part of the 4th Call for Proposals, co-funded by the European Union, IPA – Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance.

They received today a visit from producer Milan Stojanović and director Raško Miljković, mentors in our project.

We would like to sincerely thank Bašta Fest, Drim Short Film Festival, Seanema Film Festival, partners in the successful project.