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WBF team meets potential beneficiaries in Prishtina

A very fruitful Info Session at the Prishtina Ministry of Foreign Affairs, during which WBF team met with Civil Society Organisations, stakeholders, and other potential beneficiaries.

During the meeting, keynote speeches were delivered by Ms. Liza Gashi, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dario di Benedetto, from EU Cooperation in Prishtina, and Gjergj Murra, WBF Executive Director.

The application process for our grants is currently open for all eligible candidates from the Western Balkans Region.

Applications can be submitted through the dedicated application system on our homepage.

Support to the Promotion of the Civil Society regional actions in the Western Balkans is a project co-funded by the European Union, through IPA – Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance.

The Info Session in Prishtina was facilitated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which provided us with a location, technical equipment, and help for the successful meeting.